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Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Dome Is Done!

I finished the dome today! A week behind schedule, because of the rain last Sunday, but I was able to close the dome. I really pushed things along to get it done today and it got more exciting as I got down to the last brick. This last brick is called the keystone and had to be cut to fit the hole. A snug fit locks all the other bricks in place and makes it structurally sound.

The laying of the keystone was a major event and I made sure to have full photo coverage, thanks to my son Rafael.

This is the keystone just before it gets put in.

This is the spot where the keystone goes in.

Putting the keystone into place.

Applying the mortar to secure the keystone.

Today is a major milestone for me and it feels great to have finally made it this far. Over the next few weeks I will finish the vent and chimney, put the insulation and finish the housing (got to make it look presentable!)

Then its time to fire it up! Still looking good for first week of December for RFP!

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